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Mathijs Tjeerdsma - My time as a Chairman of TBV Lugus

It has now been a good half-year since I finished my time as the Chairman of Lugus. Now, looking back to that year, I can wholeheartedly say: “Wow! What a year it was!” I truly believe that doing a board year at Lugus was one of the best choices I have ever made.

First of all, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Mathijs and I was the chairman man of Lugus for the academic year ‘23-’24. I started studying IEM when I was eighteen years old in 2021, which meant that I was still only nineteen years old when I became a candidate board member! However, this did not hinder me during my time as a chairman. I learned a ton during my board year, met all different kinds of people and most importantly: had lots of fun!

One thing I learned from my time being a chairman, is that truly not one person is ever the same. It was part of my job of course to oversee my fellow board members and steer them in the right direction. With this, you quickly learn that how you need to talk to someone can and most likely will have to differ from how you would speak to another person. Everyone has their own personality and each personality has a different rule book, so to speak.

Some of the most fun times I had during my board year were during the constitution drinks. At these drinks, there would be all different kinds of people from all different kinds of boards present, all with the same goal: to get drunk together! I met lots of exciting people there and had lots of funny, stupid, interesting and weird conversations with these people.  And best of all, we would almost always go to my favourite bar in Groningen afterwards, the karaoke bar!

So now, looking back, were I to go back in time and be able to choose between doing a board year again and not, my answer would be: “Yeah! Of course, I would!” If I hadn’t done it only for all the things I’d learn, I would have done it for all the fun I would have again. Now my question is to you: “Will I see you become the next board?”

Mathijs Tjeerdsma

A Lugus Christmas Carol

A Lugus Christmas Carol

Long, long ago, on a snowy night, while everyone was sitting at home by the fireplace, opening their christmas presents, there were two...


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