Join Lugus

Partners: KPMG Belsimpel Count & Cooper Bearingpoint
Partners: Capgemini Thales DressMe Gasunie
Partners: Vonk Ortec Van Oord Stedin
Partners: Emixa

Why join Lugus?

Are you going to study Industrial Engineering and Management, System & Control or Mechanical Engineering at the University of Groningen?

TBV Lugus is the study association for students who have an affinity for Engineering and Management at the University of Groningen. Lugus has approximately 700 members for whom various activities are organised. Since 2002, we have created a dynamic community in which your study endeavours, personal growth and social needs take center stage.

A hard working mentality prevails within the study association, since many of its students like to participate in organising high-end activities of all sorts. These are activities that will boost the soft skills and network of you and your study companions, and will bring your career to the next level.

Why become a member?

Study association TBV Lugus organises, many fun, lively and interesting activities during the academic year. In addition, we focus on guiding students in completing their study. Especially since the advent of the BSA, it has been revealed that this assistance is not only very much appreciated, but to many students truly necessary. Lugus hires student teachers in order to give additional support tutorials. Additionally, a database with an extensive range of practice exams, summaries made by student teachers, and training material is provided.

Lugus also has its own members-room located in the Nijenborgh building. Here, members can relax, socialise, buy cheap snacks and drinks, and enjoy the unlimited free coffee. This room is also where you can find the board of the association. You can ask them anything related to either the study or the study association.

Lastly, the association organises a book sale each semester, in which the books are significantly lower priced compared to the original price. You can order all your books on our website and pay using iDEAL or with a debit card. Your books will be sent to your home address within 2 working days. 

All activities, study support material, free coffee, and the book sale are exclusively accessible for members of TBV Lugus. Being a member also gives you the opportunity to meet your fellow students at socials, parties and the Lugus Lounge of course. 

What does it cost, and how do I join?

Becoming a member of TBV Lugus costs a one-time fee of €15,-, which you pay at the beginning of your study time. This makes you a member of Lugus as long as you’re a student of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mechanical Engineering or Systems & Control at the University of Groningen. Your membership fee is already covered by the discount on your books, which makes joining Lugus basically free of charge! 

If you want to join, you can click here. If you have any questions or trouble signing up, you can send an email to