
Partners: Belsimpel Emixa Capgemini Thales
Partners: Bollegraaf Recycling Solutions Gasunie


ENgineering and TEchnology institute Groningen

ENTEG is an engineering science and technology institute of the University of Groningen, whose mission is to analyse, explore and design new technologies based on the integration of fundamental and engineering sciences. Research at the institute focuses on a number of sectors such as the processing, high tech, discrete production and interface industries. Graduates of Industrial Engineering and Management  and Chemical Engineering master programmes may participate in research of the institute by starting a PhD within one of the research groups of ENTEG. 


Contact Information:

Director: Prof. dr. ir. Jacquelien Scherpen
Scientific coordinator and contact person for PhDs: Dr. Karen Voskamp,
Secretary Frederika Fokkens,

More information is found on the website.

Robotic Fish