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Sustainability within IEM

  • Internships
  • 1 minute (252 words)

The Planning of Sustainability Week

Sustainability is more than ever relevant, no better moment to express some thoughts about the topic is during Sustainability Week!

For my bachelor thesis, I made a numerical comparison between the environmental impact of using disposable cups and reusable cups on the UG. Seemingly trivial but extensive when considering the complete life cycle of the products analyzed. The project was a joint host between the supervisors from Industrial Engineering and Management and the UG Green Office. The skills learned in the degree program Industrial Engineering and Management I perceive as a wide and thorough combination. The set of skills I already learned during courses was expanded with a thesis focused on life cycle analysis.

The degree to which the assessment of environmental impact is correct depends on the level of precision that can be applied to the steps of a product's life cycle. Here is where the wide range of skills learned in Industrial Engineering and Management is truly handy. The possibility that Industrial Engineering and Management offers to contribute to sustainable technologies and as such a sustainable switch should be noticed. One of the courses in the master is Sustainability for Engineers, the course provides an example of how a sustainability-driven engineering case could look like. The variety of problems to be solved in the sustainable switch allows for the creative application of knowledge and skills. Personally, I feel triggered to contribute to a sustainable switch in regard to both my interests and study background.

Kind regards,

Rik Klement

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